
колесо имя существительное:
колесо (wheel, truck)
колесико (wheel, trundle, Castor, roller, caster)
круг (circle, range, round, disk, disc, wheel)
велосипед (bike, bicycle, cycle, wheel, velocipede, machine)
штурвал (wheel, steering wheel, helm)
рулевое колесо (steering wheel, wheel, helm)
механизм (mechanism, machinery, gear, machine, arrangement, wheel)
гончарный круг (wheel, jigger, throw, throwing, potter's wheel)
колесо фортуны (wheel)
прялка (distaff, wheel, spinning-wheel)
кружение (whirl, spin, swirl, wheel)
оборот (turnover, turn, revolution, Rev, turnaround, wheel)
счастье (happiness, bliss, luck, fortune, blessing, wheel)
припев (chorus, refrain, burden, Bob, tag, wheel)
рефрен (refrain, chorus, burden, bob, undersong, wheel)
катить (roll, trundle, wheel, troll, bowl)
поворачивать (turn, turn off, swing, twist, tilt, wheel)
поворачиваться (turn, turn round, swing, twist, slew, wheel)
везти (carry, take, wheel, have luck, tote, trundle)
ехать на велосипеде (pedal, wheel)
заезжать флангом (wheel)
заходить флангом (wheel)
описывать круги (spin, wheel)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "wheel" в других словарях:

  • Wheel — (hw[=e]l), n. [OE. wheel, hweol, AS. hwe[ o]l, hweogul, hweowol; akin to D. wiel, Icel. hv[=e]l, Gr. ky klos, Skr. cakra; cf. Icel. hj[=o]l, Dan. hiul, Sw. hjul. [root]218. Cf. {Cycle}, {Cyclopedia}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A circular frame turning… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wheel — [hwēl, wēl] n. [ME whele < OE hweol, earlier hweogol < IE * kwekwlo , wheel (> Gr kyklos, a circle) < base * kwel , to turn, be around, dwell > Gr telos, turning point, end, polos, axis, L colere, to till, dwell, Ger hals, neck] 1 …   English World dictionary

  • wheel — ► NOUN 1) a circular object that revolves on an axle, fixed below a vehicle to enable it to move along or forming part of a machine. 2) something resembling a wheel or having a wheel as its essential part. 3) (wheels) informal a car. 4) an… …   English terms dictionary

  • Wheel — Wheel, v. i. [1913 Webster] 1. To turn on an axis, or as on an axis; to revolve; to more about; to rotate; to gyrate. [1913 Webster] The moon carried about the earth always shows the same face to us, not once wheeling upon her own center. Bentley …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wheel|er — «HWEE luhr», noun. 1. a person or thing that wheels. 2. a thing, such as a vehicle or a boat, that has a wheel or wheels: »a four wheeler, side wheeler. 3. = wheel horse. (Cf. ↑wheel horse) …   Useful english dictionary

  • wheel|ie — «HWEE lee», noun. a stunt of riding a motorcycle or bicycle on one wheel: »“Doing a wheelie”…means lifting the front wheel off the ground and balancing on the rear wheel alone (New York Times) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Wheel — Wheel, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Wheeled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Wheeling}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To convey on wheels, or in a wheeled vehicle; as, to wheel a load of hay or wood. [1913 Webster] 2. To put into a rotatory motion; to cause to turn or revolve;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wheel —   [englisch, wiːl; wörtlich »Rad«], auch Modulation Wheel oder Pitch Wheel, Steuerungsrad (Handrad) an Synthesizern (meist am linken Rand angebracht, Bedienung mit linkem Daumen) zur Modulation (z. B. Vibrato, Wah Wah) oder für Pitch Bending… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • wheel — [n] circle, revolution caster, circuit, circulation, circumvolution, cycle, disk, drum, gyration, gyre, hoop, pivot, pulley, ratchet, ring, roll, roller, rotation, round, spin, trolley, turn, twirl, whirl; concepts 436,464,502 wheel [v] turn,… …   New thesaurus

  • wheel — vb *turn, revolve, rotate, gyrate, circle, spin, twirl, whirl, swirl, pirouette, eddy …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • wheel — A circular device, thin in relation to its face area, usually able to rotate about a central axle or pivot, with a durable but elastic rim or with regular teeth cut on the rim and for lightness often supported by spokes joined to the hub instead… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

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